Clifton Neighborhood Plan

Our neighborhood has begun the process with the City of Cincinnati Department of Planning to create a neighborhood plan. A neighborhood plan is best described as a map of the neighborhood’s future. Acting as a guide, our neighborhood plan will tell current and future community members and decision makers where we were, where we are now, where we want to go, how we intend to get there, and who will help us along the way.

More specifically, the plan:

  • Allows for a platform for dialogue and engagement
  • Creates and confirms neighborhood identity, goals and vision
  • Helps guide policy decisions that impact the neighborhood
  • Helps guide development and investment decisions
  • Used as a tool for community investment projects
  • Demonstrates to City leaders that the neighborhood is united

Below are some frequently asked questions as well as links on how to get involved in the process.

What is in a neighborhood plan?

Each neighborhood’s plan is different – designed to meet the goals of that individual
neighborhood. However, there are certain elements that are commonly addressed. Typically, a neighborhood plan will contain the following components:

  • History of the neighborhood
  • Existing Conditions (past and current demographic and geographic information)
  • Vision statement
  • Goals and objectives (on various focus areas, such as: housing, economic Development/Business Retention, transportation, parks and recreation, public facilities and open space, land use, and health and the environment)
  • Implementation plans

Doesn’t Clifton have a few plans? Why do we need another one?

The last plans specific to Clifton are the Clifton Community Plan (1982) and the
Clifton Neighborhood Business District Urban Design Plan (1978). We need a plan
because a neighborhood plan is usually only relevant for 5-15 years, and our last plan
was from 38 years ago. We need to create a neighborhood-wide plan that showcases
our neighborhood’s vision, goals, and strategies. This plan will ultimately be reviewed
and approved by the City Planning Commission and City Council and recognized
as our official neighborhood plan. You can find copies of past plans (including the Clifton plans) on the City Planning website by clicking here.

Who participates in a neighborhood plan?

Everyone who is interested is invited to participate in the planning process. This includes residents (homeowners and renters), business owners, representatives of community institutions (like churches or schools), organizations in the neighborhood, etc.

How can I sign up for updates, get involved, or share my ideas?

There are many ways for you to get involved, no matter how much or how little time you may have! If you are interested in getting involved, click here to email Joe Brunner, President of Clifton Town Meeting.

Some examples of how to get involved are as follows:

As a Steering Committee Member
The Steering Committee’s main job is to champion the plan and provide guidance from beginning to approval. Steering Committee members will also help lead the working groups. The Steering Committee meets once a month.

As a Working Group Member
Working group members will help provide shape and detail to specific areas of the plan. They will write the goals and strategies for each of the focus areas. Working Groups will meet six to seven times throughout the year.

As a Plan Participant
Participate in plan events, provide feedback on surveys, send your thoughts via email, and follow along during the process. There is no minimum time commitment and you can participate when you are free and interested! Sign up for CTM emails by clicking here to receive future info on this topic and other topics including events and CTM meetings.

Contact James Weaver, City Planner by email or by phone at 513-352-4882 or email Joe Brunner, CTM President or visit the City’s website page by clicking here.

City of Cincinnati Budget Engagement

From the City of Cincinnati Budget Office, Department of City Planning, and Office of Communications

Hello Cincinnati Neighbor,

Each biennial budget cycle, the City of Cincinnati asks for your feedback on the proposed city budget. We continue to offer new and convenient ways to stay engaged with the community and broaden our outreach. The Budget Office, The Department of City Planning, and Office of Communications have collaborated to further enhance communication and engagement strategies throughout the budget process. The main goal of this budget engagement campaign is to keep you informed and engaged throughout the entire process.

Here are the multiple opportunities to participate in the budget engagement process:

Please visit our website  ( where you will find all of these links and more information about  when and where the sessions and forums are taking place this summer and fall.

We welcome and greatly appreciate your feedback. Please feel free to pass the word along to your neighbors as everyone’s input is important!

Thank you,

City of Cincinnati Budget Office, Department of City Planning, and Office of Communications