How to be a member of CTM?
Membership dues are tax deductible and make up the second largest source of income for CTM. Memberships have a duration of 12 months regardless of when they are purchased and entitle the member to vote at one annual members meeting (in early December) during the period of activation. Reminders are sent quarterly to those needing to renew their memberships.
Starting or renewing your membership will help us keep Clifton a vibrant, desirable, and fun place to live, work, and play. CTM also accepts donations, and you can do that at the same time you renew your membership online. You can click here to renew online.
If you wish, you can also use this Membership Form to do a mail-in membership renewal.
Why be a member of CTM?
Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) is your local community council. CTM advocates on behalf of the Clifton community. Issues we have promoted in the recent past include supporting the CCAC & Clifton Market, seeking high-quality public education seats for your children through a new neighborhood school, removing invasive plants from Burnet Woods, more events at Clifton Plaza, reducing the speed limit on McAlpin and Ruther Avenues, more bicycling infrastructure for Clifton, and getting a traffic light & crosswalk installed at Brookline & Clifton Ave. We have worked on zoning variance issues as well as providing community input into the City’s Land Development Code revisions.
CTM also sponsors many activities and festivals throughout the year for our community including Memorial Day Parade & Cookout, Lantern Walk, CliftonFest, the triennial Clifton House Tour, Holidays on Ludlow and more. We provide funding for beautification projects such as the flower pots & holiday decorations on Ludlow Avenue. We provide communications including the community email list, this community website, and the Clifton Chronicle. We partner with the Clifton Business and Professional Association (CBPA) to keep the Clifton Plaza operating. To support this important community work, we need your generous support. Thank you for being a member!
Members vote to elect Trustees of CTM each December. Members