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What is the Clifton Town Meeting?

Clifton Town Meeting is the official community council of the Clifton neighborhood.

In Spring 1961, a group of Clifton residents began meeting to explore how a community within the city could express its needs and goals within the framework of city government. The result was the Clifton Town Meeting–an official community council recognized by the City of Cincinnati. CTM, as it is commonly referred to, is the planning and policy organization for the residents of Clifton. The impetus for the establishment of CTM was the flight of people from the area to the suburbs, caused at that time primarily by interstate highway construction. The founders of CTM wanted to keep and improve what they had inherited in Clifton. This goal is still reflected today in the CTM Bylaws, which state that “the object of the organization is to preserve and develop the community of Clifton. The founders of this organization recognized that Clifton is one of Cincinnati’s first suburbs and has a traditional charm; and that the unique character of Clifton should not be left to chance. On the contrary, its growth and development should be guided by actively interested residents.” Some of the issues that the founders of CTM were concerned with continue to be concerns of Clifton residents in the 21st century–streets and traffic patterns, an attractive and vibrant business district, and of course, the preservation of Clifton’s gas lights. Some of the CTM actions over the past 40 years include:

  • Preserving Clifton’s historic gas lights
  • Helping to save the Esquire Theater and assisting in financing its remodeling
  • Supporting the neighborhood BlockWatch program to enhance the quality of life in Clifton
  • Arranging for street tree planting, local park improvements such as new playground equipment, and landscaping in public areas of Clifton
  • Spearheading the Clifton School Playground Project
  • Supporting efforts to activate & beautify neighborhood public parks.
  • Participating in the preparation of an Urban Design Plan for Clifton
  • Persuading the City of Cincinnati to rethink its plans for the widening of Clifton Avenue
  • Advocating for opening a new neighborhood public elementary school in 2018 on Clifton Avenue
  • Sponsoring & presenting the triennial Clifton House Tour.
  • Sponsoring & presenting the annual Lantern Walk.

On a continuing basis, CTM:

  • Sponsors the Clifton Chronicle, a quarterly newsletter mailed to all residents of Clifton
  • Maintains the community website – cliftoncommunity.org
  • Sponsors & presents the Memorial Day Parade & Grill out
  • Conducts various community forums and meetings on issues of interest and concern to Clifton residents

The CTM Board of Trustees meets on the first Monday of each month. Check the Community Calendar for exact meeting dates, times, and locations.  CTM welcomes your participation in these meetings as well as any of the CTM committees actively dealing with neighborhood concerns and special events. If you have suggestions, questions, need assistance, or just want to talk about Clifton, please click here to send CTM an email or come to our monthly meeting. Remember, Clifton is your community and CTM is here for all Clifton residents, so get involved! Click here to see the neighborhood boundaries of Clifton.

2025 CTM Committees and Liaisons

CTM Committees are always seeking volunteers for specific activities or for longer-term participation in the work of the Committee. Your involvement, be it big or small, is welcome and desired.

ExecutivePresident Ben Pantoja
BeautificationGérald Checco
ChronicleJan Brown-Checco
CommunicationsBen Pantoja
MembershipTim Noonan
Housing and ZoningOwen Waller
NominatingBarry Gee
Clifton Community LLCBen Pantoja
TransportationJustin Ogliby
GovernanceBen Pantoja
FinanceTim Noonan
EventsMindi Rich
Golf OutingJohn Whedon
Public SafetySteve Goodin
Welcome & ConnectMindi Rich
Bus Rapid Transit – Ad HocJustin Ogliby
Clifton Plan – Ad HocGérald Checco
Liaison Roles
Invest In NeighborhoodsBarry Gee
Clifton Community FundGérald Checco
Clifton Business AssociationJan Brown-Checco, Genet Singh
Neighborhoods of UptownTim Noonan
Clifton SoccerMindi Rich

Some of our Committees hold public engagement / discussion meetings to gather input on specific topics. These are announced in advance by email and put onto social media channels. Click here to view the 2023 approved budget for CTM. The 2025 Budget will be posted after the intended votes are taking by Trustees at the March meeting.

Want to learn more, subscribe to our email list, or send us a note? Visit our Contact page!