Memorial Day Parade and Picnic

Date: Monday, May 30

Our Event Schedule

10:30 am – Congregate at McAlpin and Middleton to participate in the Parade! Decorated bikes, pets and humans are essential for maximum fun along the way!

11:00 am – The Parade accompanied by the UC Alumni Band walks north on Middleton from McAlpin, turns left on Lafayette, heading to Mt. Storm Park where we’ll convene to picnic!

12:00 Noon – Community Picnic at Mt. Storm Park, burgers and dogs available with drinks and Dojo Gelato. Pet Parade Costume Awards, Chalk Art by Kathleen Streitenberger, Gardening Advice from Queen City Pollinators, Live Music by the Comet Bluegrass All Stars! Accessible Parking available at Mt. Storm lots. Others can park at Sacred Heart playfield lot. To Note: In case of rain, we’ll gather at noon for our community picnic in the Clifton Rec Center gymnasium! Please leave pets at home.

Volunteers make it happen!  Please sign up here.

Produced by Clifton Town Meeting in partnership with Clifton Community Fund, the Cincinnati Parks Foundation and Mt. Storm Advisory Council. Join Us!

CTM Meeting – February 7, 2022

Don’t forget to tune in CTM Monthly Board Meeting this Monday, February 7 from 7:00 – 9:00pm.


Google Meet joining info – Video call link:

Or dial: (US) +1 318-526-1501‬ PIN: 359 803 907‬#

More phone numbers:


TimeTopicTopic LeadScope of Discussion
7:00 / 1 minWelcome to the Google Meet electronic meetingPres Gerald CheccoTrustees
7:01 / 2 minApprove prior month’s meeting minutesSec. Mike RollerTrustees
7: 03 / 2 minTreasurer’s ReportTreas. Tim MaxeyTrustees/Comm.
7:05 / 15 minPolice ReportP.O. Shawn DentTrustees/Comm.
7:20 / 5 minCRC ReportVP2 Jan CheccoTrustees/Comm.
7:25 / 5 minCPD D5 letter (motion)Pres. CheccoTrustees/Comm.
7:30 / 10 minPublic Library ReportDir. Jeanne Strauss DeGrootTrustees/Comm.
7:40 / 5 minClifton Business Association (CBA) LiaisonGenet SinghTrustees/Comm.
7:45 / 5 minCommunication CommitteeMonica Windholz
7: 50 / 5 minMembership Committee Robert HambergTrustees/Comm.
7:55 / 3 minChronicle CommitteeJan Checco
7: 58 / 12 minHousing and Zoning Committee (proposed new density) (potential motion)Jayme RitterTrustees/Comm.
8:10 / 10 minNSP Guidelines/ DeadlinesMary Pat LienhartTrustees/Comm.
8:20 / 10 minOther CommitteesBoardTrustees/Comm.
8:30 / 5 minThanks GivingBoardTrustees/Comm.
8:35   / 5 minTrustee, Committee and Liaisons AnnouncementsPres CheccoTrustees/Comm.
8:40  /  20 minCommunity Questions/ConcernsPres CheccoTrustees/Comm.
9:00AdjournmentPres CheccoTrustees/Comm.