CTM Annual Membership Meeting – Monday, Nov 18, 2024

The public is welcome to attend. Public input on CTM agenda items will be heard after Trustee discussion is complete.  Community members wishing to address the Board on an agenda item should sign up to speak at least 24 hours before start of the meeting by completing this Google form or with an email request directed to the president at contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org. Individual input on agenda items will last no more than two minutes.

Community members may speak on non-agenda issues during the public questions and concerns period at the end of the meeting. Individuals with statements are asked to sign in before the start of the meeting. Such statements should last not more than two minutes and are invited during the public questions and concerns period. Email your request to speak (specify the topic), or to request an agenda item at the next meeting to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org.


Join in-person: Clifton Recreation Center, 320 McAlpin Avenue  
Join Remotely: https://meet.google.com/qym-wjou-ncx

StartTopicTopic Lead
6:00Elections (only in-person voting)
 Click here for candidates’ bios
7:00Roll Call/ Approve prior month’s minutesSecretary Barry Gee
7:05Historic DistrictsBeth Johnson, Cincinnati Preservation 
7:35Discussion/ Questions
7:50Elections Results/ On-Boarding discussionPresident Goodin
8:00Clifton Ave. Bike LaneJustin Ogilby
8:15Clifton Plan UpdateGerald Checco
8:25Committees Roll CallSteve Goodin
8:30Community Questions/ConcernsSteve Goodin
 Adjournment – Next meeting December 2, 2024President

Clifton Plan

The last comprehensive Clifton Plan was in 1980 (almost 45 years ago).  You can read the very interesting document by clicking on the link below.  Since 1980, our neighborhood, our city and the world have changed drastically.  It is clear that we need a new plan to guide Clifton for the next 20 years.  If you want to participate in the 2025 Plan, please register by clicking on the form below.
1980 Clifton Plan
I want to participate in the 2025 Plan 

CTM Board – Hybrid Meeting – June 3, 2024

The public is welcome to attend. Public input on CTM agenda items will be heard after Trustee discussion is complete.  Community members wishing to address the Board on an agenda item should sign up to speak at least 24 hours before start of the meeting by completing this Google form or with an email request directed to the president at contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org. Individual input on agenda items will last no more than two minutes.

Community members may speak on non-agenda issues during the public questions and concerns period at the end of the meeting. Individuals with statements are asked to sign in before the start of the meeting. Such statements should last not more than two minutes and are invited during the public questions and concerns period. Email your request to speak (specify the topic), or to request an agenda item at the next meeting to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org.


Join in-person: Clifton Recreation Center, 320 McAlpin Avenue  
Join Remotely: https://meet.google.com/qym-wjou-ncx

TimeTopicTopic Lead
7:00pm / 1 minWelcomePres Goodin
7:01 / 2 minRoll Call/ Approve prior month’s meeting minutesSec. Barry Gee
7:03 / 2 minNew Board Member – Motion 1Pres Goodin
7:05 / 4 minTreasurer’s Report – Budget Amendment Motion 2Treas. Gerald Checco
7:09 / 21 minPolice ReportP.O. Shawn Dent
7:30 / 5 minSafety IssuesTim Noonan
7:35/ 5 minFirehouse report 
7:40/ 5 minCRC ReportBrittany Havens
7:45/ 5 minPublic Library ReportDir. Jeanne Strauss DeGroot
7:50/ 5 minClifton Welcome & ConnectGerald
7:55/ 5 minMemorial DayBarry Gee
8:00/ 5 minBike Lane Extension – Motion 3Justin
8:05 / 10 minNomination Committee – InformationPres. Goodin
8:15/ 10 minGolf UpdatesJohn
8:25 / 5 minConnected CommunitiesRachel Wells
8:30/ 5 minDiggs Plaza – Motion 4Gerald Checco
8:35 / 10 minTrustee, Committee and Liaisons AnnouncementsPres Goodin
8:45 / 15 minCommunity Questions/ConcernsPres Goodin
9:00 pmAdjournment – Next meeting July 11Pres Goodin


1PresidentTo select Ben Pantoja as a new Board Member
2TreasurerTo confirm budget after decision previous month
3TransportationTo approve recommendation of Transportation Chair
4Ad-HocTo approve recommendations of Ad-Hoc Committee

Attachments / Information
1Nominating CommitteeExisting CTM Trustees Term Information
2MSDWork on Clifton Avenue
32024 Home TourThank You Note
4IINSurvey results about Connected Communities by Invest In Neighborhoods Part 1 and Part 2

Elmore to Central Parkway Connector

If you missed the June and July CTM meetings, you may not be aware of CTM taking a position on some of the details of the proposed connector bridge/road from Elmore St. in South Cumminsville to Central Parkway in Clifton. This news post details recent correspondence between CTM and Ohio DOT on the project. It also contains a link to recent project drawings/plans:

After a detailed report by the Transportation Commmittee and subsequent discussion, CTM Trustees agreed to send a email regarding the connector as follows:

——– Beginning of email —–
August 11, 2015

Lee Matthes, P.E.
Project Manager
District 8, ODOT
Phone: 513-933-6612

Dear Mr Matthes,

Thank you for the opportunity to provide public comment on the Elmore to Central Parkway Connector (PID 98109) on July 21, 2015. The public information session was attended by a Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) Trustee (Mike Schur) and several Clifton residents. The public information session designs, along with subsequently provided certified traffic report, were presented and discussed at the August 3, 2015 CTM meeting. The Trustees voted unanimously to submit the follow comments.

Although we appreciate the completion of a certified traffic study, we feel the traffic impact of the connector to Clifton is indeterminate at this time. CTM still has concerns regarding the effect of the connector to Clifton residents and businesses. Please continue to update CTM and include in any future planning and public input.

CTM welcomes the planned shared use bicycle-pedestrian path on the new roadway. However, we note the absence of separated bike lanes on Central Parkway in the current plans. In June of 2014, CTM passed a resolution of support for the Central Parkway Separated Bike Lanes and their extension to Ludlow Avenue. We request that the connector plans include separate bike lanes on Central Parkway consistent with the City of Cincinnati Bicycle Transportation plans and recommendations.

Thank you again for the opportunity to provide comments.

Anthony Sizemore
President, Clifton Town Meeting
cc: City Councilmembers, Mayor of Cincinnati, City Manager
——–End of email————-

On August 19, Mr. Matthes replied by email as follows:
Mr. Sizemore,
Thank you for your comments regarding the Elmore/Central Parkway Connector project.

Per discussions with the City of Cincinnati DOTE (Department of Transportation and Engineering), the cycle track that has been installed south of Marshall Avenue was planned to extend north to Ludlow Avenue. This extension will be a separate project, locally sponsored by the City. The proposed Elmore to Central Parkway Connector project will not preclude that work.

FYI – See below link to access all the exhibits that were displayed at the Public Involvement meeting. Exhibit #1 shows the proposed Connector Road (connecting Elmore Street to Central Parkway; large bridge that spans over I-75, Mill Creek and Dirr Street). Exhibit #2 is zoomed out – showing more of the surrounding area. Exhibit #3 states the Purpose of the project and shows the current schedule. ODOT will continue to update CTM regarding project status and schedule.

Link: Click here.

Lee Matthes, P.E.
—– End of reply —–

CTM’s Transportation Committee will continue to follow this topic and provide updates at monthly meetings when new information is available.