CTM Board of Trustees will meet in a hybrid meeting on Monday, Sep 11, 2023 at 7 pm

The public is welcome to attend. Public input on CTM agenda items will be heard after Trustee discussion is complete.  Community members wishing to address the Board on an agenda item should sign up to speak at least 24 hours before start of the meeting by completing this Google form or with an email request directed to the president at contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org. Individual input on agenda items will last no more than two minutes.

Community members may speak on non-agenda issues during the public questions and concerns period at the end of the meeting. Individuals with statements are asked to sign in before the start of the meeting. Such statements should last not more than two minutes and are invited during the public questions and concerns period. Email your request to speak (specify the topic), or to request an agenda item at the next meeting to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org.


Hybrid meeting

Join in-person: Clifton Recreation Center, 320 McAlpin Avenue  
Join Remotelyhttps://meet.google.com/tao-fyqq-sxn

StartTimeTopicTopic Lead
7:000WelcomePresident Gerald Checco
7:001Moment of silence in remembrance of 9-11 
7:012Roll Call/ Appr.  August meeting minutesSecretary Barry
7:0310Presentation Strategies to End HomelessnessKevin Finn, CEO SEH
7:132Treasurer ReportTreasurer Tim
7:1515Police ReportP.O. Shawn Dent
7:3010Fire House Report 
7:405CRC ReportCollin Fitzpatrick
7:4510Clifton LibraryJeanne Strauss de Groote
7:555Neighborhood School CANS Report – Back to School – Food Pantry updateJulia Bonfield
8:005Update Diggs Plaza ad hoc committeeGerald
8:0530Bylaws Report Motion 2Mary Pat & Nick
8:3510Description of Boundaries Motion 3Mary Pat
8:455Elections – ReportGerald
8:505Letter for approval: Request about recurring encampment at Burnet Woods follow up Motion 4President Gerald Checco
8:555Transportation Comm. Report & Motion 1Justin Ogilby
9:005Community Questions/ConcernsPresident
9:055Thanks- Giving 
9:10 Adjournment – Next meeting 10/2/23 at 6:30 PM – Candidates nightPresident


1TransportationTo allow the Transportation Committee to apply on behalf of CTM for a study grant concerning Clifton Avenue, grantor being KCB
2BylawsTo put the changes of bylaws for a vote of the membership in November
3BylawsTo create a boundaries committee, including members of neighboring community councils to review, northeast and south boundaries of Clifton to reconcile description in bylaws and City recognized neighborhoods.
4PresidentEncampment in Burnet Woods – Follow up