Imagine what Clifton would be like with a Wendy’s in the middle of its business district, instead of the Esquire Theatre.

As part of the development of a new neighborhood plan for Clifton, the feasibility of establishing one or more historic districts in Clifton is currently being studied. Neighborhood volunteers will conduct research and organize the designation process. Residents will have the opportunity to learn about this initiative, provide comments, and participate throughout the process.

Why is this issue of concern?  Clifton’s quality of life results from several interconnected components, including its historical character.  Protecting our historical character has always been part of a common vision of our residents.  We all remember the neighborhood fight against demolishing the Esquire Theatre going all the way to the Ohio Supreme Court, the saving of Clifton Market, the elegant repurposing of Gaslight Bar and Grille and Ludlow Garage, to name just a few.  The preservation of the historical character of the neighborhood does not happen by chance, it happens with dedicated and focused effort.   Many structures would have vanished without local citizens’ efforts to preserve our heritage. Market forces and new codes often favor the demolition of solid buildings and their replacement with denser, cheaper-looking ones.  Recent rezoning in Clifton now allows four-family buildings to be built in formerly single-family zones in an area covering most of the neighborhood south of McAlpin. This could lead to developers acquiring and demolishing buildings to put up new denser housing. This is one reason to consider establishing historic districts which generally prevent demolition of sound historic buildings

Establishing historic district(s) is a long process involving the Historic Conservation Board, City Planning Commission, and City Council. 

Note that historic districts:

  • Do not require renovation of property 
  • Do not affect the interiors of buildings
  • Do not control paint color 
  • Do require that exterior changes are compatible with the architectural and historic character of buildings 
  • Do require new buildings to be compatible with the architecture of the neighborhood

Please participate in our survey to help us gauge the interest of our neighbors in the subject. Click here to take the survey.

Survey graphic with link to survey.

See the existing map of Cultural and Historic resources in Clifton below.  The map is a little old but a good overview of Clifton. 

Map of Clifton cultural and historic resources.

DRAFT PROCESS (subject to be modified)

Gauge interest on the issue: Conduct a broad survey using email, social media posting and physical posting in the Business District (this form is helping that task) – February & March 2025.

Information dissemination: Hold a public meeting to explain historic designation and further gauge support – March 2025.

Research: Volunteers review prior research, map historic properties, and identify structures – April & May 2025.

Second Public Meeting: Present research results, review maps, discuss district boundaries, and explain guidelines with examples – May 2025.

Evaluation: Assess meeting results and develop historic district boundary options – May 2025

Third Public Meeting: Present proposed boundaries, gauge interest, and determine necessary alterations – June 2025

Guideline Development: Draft guidelines and write architectural and historic narratives for potential districts – July 2025

Fourth Public Meeting: Discuss guidelines and boundaries to decide on proceeding with the process – August 2025

Let us know what you think about this issue by taking our survey. Click here to take survey.

CTM Monthly Meeting – Feb 3, 2025

The public is welcome to attend. Public input on CTM agenda items will be heard after Trustee discussion is complete.  Community members wishing to address the Board on an agenda item should sign up to speak at least 24 hours before start of the meeting by completing this Google form or with an email request directed to the president at contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org. Individual input on agenda items will last no more than two minutes.

Community members may speak on non-agenda issues during the public questions and concerns period at the end of the meeting. Individuals with statements are asked to sign in before the start of the meeting. Such statements should last not more than two minutes and are invited during the public questions and concerns period. Email your request to speak (specify the topic), or to request an agenda item at the next meeting to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org.


Join in-person: Clifton Recreation Center, 320 McAlpin Avenue 
Join Remotely: https://meet.google.com/qym-wjou-ncx

StartTopicTopic Lead
7:00WelcomePresident Pantoja
 Roll Call/ Approve prior month’s minutesSecretary Owen Waller
 Fire Report 
 Police Report 
7:14Clifton LibraryJeanne Strauss de Groote
 CRC ReportBrittany Havens
 CANS Clifton Area PantryMichelle Burch
 New Committee Chairs – Motion 1Pantoja
7:30Council Member Mark Jeffreys on Safety, Parks, Metro station loitering, snow removal, Hookah BarMark Jeffreys
 Prohibit loitering at bus stations – Motion 2Pantoja
 CCAC update/Cliftonfest funding requestLeslie Mooney
 March budget changes or NSP for Cliftonfest and Clifton SoccerTim Noonan
 Conflict of Interest FormOwen Waller
 Clifton Plan updateGerald Checco
8:15Transportation requests – Motions 3 & 4Justin Ogilby
 Transportation update on Clifton Avenue Redesign and Bus Rapid TransitJustin Ogilby
 Committees Roll CallPresident
 Community Questions/ConcernsPresident
8:55Adjournment – Next meeting 3/3/2025President


1Ben PantojaConfirm Steve Goodin as Public Safety Chair 2025 and Barry Gee as Nominations Chair 2025.
2Ben PantojaRequest to City regarding loitering at bus stops – full motion linked in agenda.
3Justin OgilbyConfirm intersections for Clifton traffic calming requests.
4Justin OgilbyConfirm that DOTE installs bike lane extension with standard materials.