Fifty-three members of Clifton Town Meeting cast ballots on Monday, Nov. 7, 2022, to elect seven trustees to seven open seats on the 15-member board. Twenty-five members voted electronically and 28 members voted in-person at the Clifton Recreation Center, 320 McAlpin Ave.
With terms beginning in January 2023, Gerald Checco, Barry Gee, Tim Noonan, Justin Ogilby, and John Whedon were each elected to 3-year terms. Rachel Wells was elected to a 2-year term, and Mansee Chauhun was elected to a 1-year term. Learn more about each candidate in this post.
Current trustees who were not up for election and will continue in their seats for another year include Genet Singh, Naghma Malik, Brendon Cull, and Mary Pat Lienhart. Continuing in their seats for another two years are Nestor Melnyk, Jan Brown Checco, Jayme Ritter and Michael Roller.
Leaving the board of trustees when their terms end in January 2023 are Robert Hamberg, Tim Maxey, and Zeeshan Tayeb.
Only current CTM members may vote in the annual trustee elections. You can renew or begin your membership by clicking here.