CTM Board of Trustees will meet in a hybrid meeting on Monday, May 1, 2023 at 7 p.m.

The public is welcome to attend. Public input on CTM agenda items will be heard after Trustee discussion is complete.  Community members wishing to address the Board on an agenda item should sign up to speak at least 24 hours before start of the meeting by completing this Google form or with an email request directed to the president at contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org. Individual input on agenda items will last no more than two minutes.

Community members may speak on non-agenda issues during the public questions and concerns period at the end of the meeting. Individuals with statements are asked to sign in before the start of the meeting. Such statements should last not more than two minutes and are invited during the public questions and concerns period. Email your request to speak (specify the topic), or to request an agenda item at the next meeting to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org.


Join in-person: Clifton Recreation Center, 320 McAlpin Avenue  
Join Remotely: https://meet.google.com/qym-wjou-ncx


Join in-person: Clifton Recreation Center, 320 McAlpin Avenue

Join remotely: Via Google Meets

Start TimeTopicTopic Lead
7 p.m.WelcomePres. Checco
7:01Roll call & approval of minutesSec. Gee
7:03Treasurer ReportTreas. Noonan
7:05Police ReportOfficer Dent
7:20Fire Report
7:30Clifton Recreation Center ReportCoordinator Fitzpatrick
7:40Clifton Library ReportManager Strauss-De Groote
7:45NBDIP Update (Motion 1)Justin Ogilby
7:55Use of Rawson Farmhouse & Future of CANSSally Grimes
8:05Neighborhood School CANS ReportJulia Bonfield
8:10Letter to Board of Education re: CANS Planning (Motion 2)Pres. Checco
8:10Clifton Cultural Arts Center UpdateLeslie Mooney
8:20Committee & Liaison Reports (Motions 3, 4 & 5)Various
8:55Community Questions and ConcernsPres. Checco


1Transportation & ArtSupport for NBDIP Application, including $2k contribution
2Pres. CheccoRequest to CPS to start planning for future of CANS
3Arts & CultureTo authorize Board to apply for a Strader Grant
4Housing & ZoningSupport letter for ADU with exception for short-term rental
5Housing & ZoningLetter addressing boundaries of Clifton

CTM Special Meeting – Jan 18

CTM will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, January 18th beginning at 7:00 pm to discuss various grant application options. We encourage you to attend and voice your opinion.

Due to the ongoing public health situation CTM will hold this special meeting via video and telephone conference. To join the videoconference click on the following link – https://meet.google.com/gfn-nezv-ehi.

To join via phone, dial (541) 861-5197 and use the following PIN – 825 148 168#.

The agenda is as follows:

Time Topic
7:00 / 1 min Welcome to the Google Meet electronic meeting, advice for participation
7:01 / 5 min Amend motion re: Priority List of Pedestrian Safety 

Neighborhood Activation Business District Capital Grants
7:06 / 5 min Clifton Business District Proposal 1: Security Cameras
7:13 / 5 min Clifton Business District Proposal 2: Gateway/ Signage
7:18/ 5 min Clifton Business District Proposal 3: Ludlow/ Middleton Plaza
7:25 / 10 min General Discussion re: NSP
7:35 /  5 min Community Questions/Concerns
7:40 Adjournment

Emailing your issue to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org is another effective way to have your issue or opinion considered by your trustees.  To request an agenda item for the next meeting please email your topic to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org

Please note that public input on agenda items of pressing community concern will be heard after trustee discussion.  Community members should sign up to speak on an agenda item before the start of the meeting.  Not all agenda items will have time reserved for public input. Individual input on agenda items will be no more than two minutes.    Community members are able to speak on non-agenda issues during the public questions and concerns agenda item.  Individuals with statements are asked to sign in before the start of the meeting.  Statements will be no more than three minutes during the questions and concerns agenda item.

CTM Trustee Elections & Membership Meeting – Dec 6

CTM will hold Trustee elections on Monday, December 6 from 6-7pm. All CTM members are eligible to vote – if you haven’t joined or renewed your membership yet you can do so at this link by clicking here. There will be two options to vote on December 6 between 6-7pm:

Option 1: Anyone who joined or renewed and provided a valid email address by this Friday, December 4th at 5:00 pm will be eligible to vote online by using a secure link sent to your email. The email will be sent on Dec 6 at 6pm. Please note that if you have a household membership with two votes but only provided one email address, you can only cast one vote electronically. Please come to vote in-person to cast your other vote.

Option 2: In-person voting will also be available at the Fairview-Clifton German Language School parking lot. Walk up or drive up. You can make your membership current there as well.

Click here to read about the candidates in the 2021 Winter Edition of the Clifton Chronicle.

After the election, please join CTM’s annual membership meeting from 7:00 to 9:00pm to hear the election results. CTM members can also vote on proposed Bylaws amendments. Click here to read about the proposed Bylaws amendments.

December 6, 2021, 7:00pm.  Google Meet Videoconference.

After the election we will have our December meeting. Due to the ongoing public health situation CTM will continue to hold its meetings via video and telephone conference. To join the videoconference click on the following link – http://meet.google.com/aaz-pnjp-xma. To join via phone, dial (657) 215-8396 and use the following PIN – 251 725 539#.

7:00 / 1 minWelcome to the Google Meet electronic meeting, advice for participation
7:01 / 1 minApprove prior month’s meeting minutes
7:02 / 8 minPolice Report
7:10 / 10 minTreasurer’s Report – advice for creation of a partitioned bank account for Chronicle funds (as was established for OLG in 2020), discussion and vote.
7:20 / 10 minOLG’s need for a defined process for seeking grants for projects, being in need of CTM authorization; an MOU to be presented about how committees can seek grants, discussion and vote
7:30 / 20 minBylaws Amendments; Presentation, discussion and vote
7:50 / 10  minMembership duration: Ideal is activation for a full 12 months from date of purchase, inclusive of the right to vote at the annual Members meeting in the period of validity. Expiration dates to be signaled to those concerned with a renewal prompt issued quarterly by a Membership Committee list manager.  Discussion and vote.
8:00 / 10 minTrustee Election and Bylaws Amendment Vote Results
8:10 / 10 minTrustee, Committee, Liaisons Announcements
8:20 / 10 minCommunity Questions/Concerns

Thank you very much, Clifton Town Meeting Trustees.

Emailing your issue to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org is another effective way to have your issue or opinion considered by your trustees.  To request an agenda item for the next meeting please email your topic to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org

Please note that public input on agenda items of pressing community concern will be heard after trustee discussion.  Community members should sign up to speak on an agenda item before the start of the meeting.  Not all agenda items will have time reserved for public input. Individual input on agenda items will be no more than two minutes.  Community members are able to speak on non-agenda issues during the public questions and concerns agenda item.  Individuals with statements are asked to sign in before the start of the meeting.  Statements will be no more than three minutes during the questions and concerns agenda item.

CTM Meeting Agenda and Link – May 3

Clifton Town Meeting, your community council, is having its regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 3 from 7-9pm. All our meetings are on the community calendar. We hope you will join to learn about what is happening and how you can be involved.

Click here for the meeting invite and agenda that went to email subscribers. You can become a subscriber here.

Due to the ongoing public health ban on mass gatherings CTM will continue to hold its meetings via video and telephone conference. To join the videoconference click on the following link – http://meet.google.com/qgf-ipso-zny. To join via phone, dial (601) 516-5653 and use the following PIN – 221 520 074#.

The agenda is as follows:

7:00 / 1 minWelcome to the Google Meet electronic meeting, advice for participation
7:01 / 1 minApprove prior month’s meeting minutes from April 5 and 17
7:02 / 5 minVote for New Trustees
7:07 / 10 minLibrary Update
7:17 / 10 minPolice District 5 Report
7:27 / 5 minFinancial Committee Report
7:32/ 5 minTreasurer’s Report
7:37 / 10 minClifton Chronicle Committee Summer update, Editor/Publisher Search
7:47 / 5 minArts and Culture
7:52 / 15 minClifton Planning Report – District 5 location and ARPA funds
8:07 / 15 minTransportation and Public Safety – Road Diet update
8:22/ 15 minParks Committee report
8:37 / 15 minHousing and Zoning – report of Mosque driveway vote, Bishop Street Boundaries
8:52 / 5 minTrustee, Committee and Liaisons Announcements
8:57 / 3 minCommunity Questions/Concerns

Emailing your issue to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org is another effective way to have your issue or opinion considered by your trustees.  To request an agenda item for the next meeting please email your topic to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org.

Please note that public input on agenda items of pressing community concern will be heard after trustee discussion.  Community members should sign up to speak on an agenda item before the start of the meeting.  Not all agenda items will have time reserved for public input. Individual input on agenda items will be no more than two minutes.    Community members are able to speak on non-agenda issues during the public questions and concerns agenda item.  Individuals with statements are asked to sign in before the start of the meeting.  Statements will be no more than three minutes during the questions and concerns agenda item.

Clifton Area Neighborhood School Visioning

On the evening of October 24, representatives from CTM, CANS Advisory Group, Cincinnati Public Schools, and the Clifton Recreation Center convened a public forum to gather input and have discussion.  The purpose of the meeting was to build consensus recommendations of the collective community in the re-establishment of school operations at the Clifton School, including use of the Rawson property. All community members and those interested in the re-establishment of the school were welcomed to attend.

Greg Otis from AIA facilitated the event.

Click here to see the presentation that happened during the event.

Following the meeting, feedback from the community was collected and shared with Greg Otis in order that he could prepare a final report on the community engagement process. Please click here to read the final report. During January 2018, this report has been provided to Cincinnati Public Schools Administration and the Clifton Recreation Center.

Below a photo of the nice turnout we had for the discussions. Thank you to all who attended.